Test Equipment Tuesday: Hoffman Engineering ANV-126a


BY: Tyler Roberts, Owner of Licentia Arms Co.

Licentia Arms Co. continues to raise the bar in the night vision industry by raising standards and increasing transparency to the end user.  Historically, little information has been available to customers looking to purchase night vision (https://licentiaarmsco.com/product-category/night-vision/), regardless of the market segment.  Licentia Arms has changed this by continually building upon the suite of educational resources (https://licentiaarmsco.com/night-vision-information/) available to customers and producing the highest quality night vision available.

Hoffman ANV-126a bar chart

Licentia Arms takes Their Production and Testing Seriously

Night Vision is an artform and a tradecraft that requires the use of proper test equipment to manufacture, maintain, and service night vision optical devices.  This test equipment is a critical component as it provides objective standards and objective processes to properly build and maintain night vision.

Using proper equipment and processes in any manufacturing industry seems like common sense.  However, the ugly truth about the night vision industry is that most companies are not using proper test equipment.  Companies are slapping together components, in uncontrolled environments, and flat out lying to the unknowing customer. Not only is this irresponsible but has direct negative effects on the performance of the system and comfort to the end user. As the night vision industry continues to grow customers deserve to know who built their night vision, what standards were implemented, and what to expect from night vision manufacturers.

Scientific Approach to Testing

Not all companies are doing things wrong.  Licentia Arms Co. looks to lift the veil on the test equipment that is needed to properly manufacture and maintain night vision devices while celebrating those who invest in building a stronger industry by raising standards. 

Test Equipment Tuesday is a series of videos highlighting night vision test equipment, what it does, why it is needed, and what that means for customers.

Hoffman test equipment

We kick off Test Equipment Tuesday with the Hoffman Engineering ANV-126a test set.  The Hoffman ANV-126a is the most advanced, state of the art night vision test set currently available to night vision manufacturers, the government, and maintainers.  The ANV-126a serves as the foundation for a manufacturers and maintainers processes providing objective standards to properly build, calibrate, and test night vision and image intensifier tubes.

How to Stay Up to Date with Licentia Arms Information and News

Stay tuned and subscribe to our YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/c/LicentiaArmsCo)  as we continue our Test Equipment Tuesday series diving deep into our suite of test equipment and the intricate nature of night vision manufacturing.

Test Equipment Tuesday, ANV-126a

About Licentia Arms Co.

Licentia Arms Co. is a high-end night vision company that specializes in helmet mounted and clip-on night vision devices. Licentia Arms manufactures, sells, and services a wide range of night vision and thermal products.

Licentia Arms Co. takes a very customized and application driven approach. LAC distributes and manufactures finished goods that are tailored to individual clients needs for the government, law enforcement, and commercial markets.

For Dealer Inquiries please contact Sales@licentiaarmsco.com


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