Differences Between KYDEX Pistol Magazine Carriers

Blood Red KYDEX and Grey KYDEX.

KYDEX pistol magazine carriers are a must with carrying a CCW or on the range with a battle belt. KYDEX pistol magazine carriers are a requirement to take any pistol or combative pistol course with profession firearms training organizations or professional trainers. ANR has three main styles of KYDEX pistol magazine carriers; standard pistol magazine carrier, deep concealment pistol magazine carrier, and adjustable deep concealment pistol magazine carrier.

Standard KYDEX Pistol Magazine Carrier

We designed and began selling the standard KYDEX pistol magazine carrier in 2017. It is a vacuum formed, CNC cut, universal fit magazine carrier; designed to fit standard 9mm, .375 SIG, and 40 caliber magazines. The shells are heated along the front of the KYDEX pistol magazine carrier and stretched over each subsequent magazine body. They are allowed to cool and cure. The fit is spot-on for each pistol magazine body it is folded around. The standard KYDEX pistol magazine carrier was initial designed around our original, hand-pressed design. We made it ambidextrous for left handed and right handed shooters. This also allows the end-user to wear the KYDEX pistol magazine carrier outside the waistband or mounted to a duty-styled belt.

Original Design: Standard Magazine Carrier

If you’re interested in running one of our Standard KYDEX pistol magazine carriers, Follow this link (https://www.anrkydexholsters.com/product/quick-ship-pistol-magazine-carriers/).

Deep Concealment KYDEX Pistol Magazine Carrier

In holsters, we always suggest sizing up to the next length slide on a holster if possible. Example, P365XL holster for a P365. It essentially becomes the keel of a ship, keeping the holster more vertical and tighter to the body. This same logic carries into the KYDEX pistol magazine carrier design of the Deep Concealment KYDEX pistol magazine carriers. We listened to customers asking how they can conceal larger capacity magazines inside the waist. Our solution was to design a KYDEX pistol magazine carrier that is 0.75″ deeper. We also decided to add a 3rd hole for the use of Blade Tech TEK-LOK for tactical duty application of the mag carriers. This also allows the end-user to carrier 21+ round magazines outside the waistband in a tactical application, keeping them more stable on the waist.

Showing the Deep Concealment Hole Pattern

Like what you see? Follow this link to check out our Deep Concealment KYDEX pistol magazine carriers (https://www.anrkydexholsters.com/product/quick-ship-deep-concealment-pistol-magazine-carrier/).

Deep Concealment Setup for IWB Concealment for Right Handed Shooter, with left hand draw

The Blade Tech TEK-LOK is a great way to secure your magazines on a duty belt. We will be dropping a duty belt setup article soon!

Deep Concealment Multicam Magazine Carry with a Blade Tech TEK-LOK.

Alex runs his Staccato magazines in the Deep Concealment KYDEX pistol magazine carriers with 1.75″ factory clips (with stick-on hook Velcro backings) on his Blue Alpha Double Duty belt. Combination of zip ties and Velcro, keep them locked on and secure.

Staccato Deep Concealment Magazine Carriers on a Blue Alpha Duty 1.75″ belt.

Adjustable Deep Concealment KYDEX Pistol Magazine Carrier

Evolution of the Deep Concealment KYDEX pistol magazine carriers brought us to the ADJUSTABLE Deep Concealment KYDEX pistol magazine carriers. We took the foundation of our Deep Concealment KYDEX pistol magazine carriers and added a taller belt clip section with vertical slots, as well as, a finger index cutaway. These features allow the end-user to change the cant of the magazine carrier inside or outside the waistband. The index cutaway is great for outside the waistband uses in a tactical or race application. The end-user can build muscle memory and feel the index cutaway when indexing and drawing the magazine from the Adjustable Deep Concealment KYDEX pistol magazine carriers.

Follow this link to snatch your Adjustable Deep Concealment KYDEX pistol magazine carrier (https://www.anrkydexholsters.com/product/quick-ship-adjustable-deep-concealment-pistol-magazine-carrier/).

Belt clip canted for an OWB application of the Adjustable Deep Concealment KYDEX pistol magazine carrier.

The ability to cant a KYDEX pistol magazine carrier is super important. If you have a tactical muffin top and want to cant the KYDEX pistol magazine carrier in a way that avoids your softer areas and angles the magazine in a way that allows for ease of access and more comfort to carry.

Forward picture of the index cutaway

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